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Girl on laptop

How NOT to Write a Guest Post

As a webmaster of some twenty-odd websites, I get the occasional email asking me to publish a guest post. I am very open-minded about publishing anything, if I have a good spot for it, and I think its worth reading. But too often, I get some emails that make me just click the delete button. […]
Jay Leno Writers Strike

Writers Wanted: Submit Articles: All Subjects

Hi everybody. I am a published writer (ten years with a major trucking magazine) and webmaster of about 20+ websites (some over 15-years old). I mostly do my own writing, but lately I have been getting quite a few submissions from writers. And you know what? I like it! So now I’m advertising- WRITERS WANTED- […]

Blog Writer’s Wanted Get Backlinks from PR Sites

Hi there everybody. Take a look at these blogs below. They are all looking for posts, and all allow links and even by-lines if you ask. I ought to know, they are all my sites. this is a great way to get some PR1, PR2 and even PR3 backlinks to your site.